
why revenge cheating on your unfaithful partner isn’t a bad idea

One strategy for dealing with an unfaithful partner is revenge cheating, also known as retaliatory infidelity, thus it is something to take into consideration.

Different people respond differently to lying.

No matter what rationalization the cheater might try to come up with, for some people the only thing to do is leave. These people are all about preventing a repeat performance because they think that once someone cheats, they will always cheat.

This theory’s proponents contend that whatever regret the cheating partner may be expressing at the time is solely a result of being discovered. They would simply carry on with their philandering behavior if they weren’t detected.

That`s why the good idea is to install mSpy software on the cell phone. You will see who your partner is talking to on Facebook and Whatsapp and what photos they get in Snapchats. Moreover, you will know the exact location of your partner. mSpy can provide you with all the information you need to feel secure and comfortable.

Even for those who leave, they could either do so quietly or after hurting the cheat in some way as a way of getting their own pound of flesh… kinda.

There’s one more way to deal with cheating and that’s revenge cheating aka retaliatory infidelity.

What this means, as the name literally states, is that a partner goes on his or her own cheating spree after discovering that a partner has been messing around town. It is pretty much a way of saying ‘while I want to remain in this relationship, I want to go out and sample other people just as you have done.’

One of the easiest, most obvious things that have been said against revenge cheating is that two wrongs don’t make a right and that the decision to go sleep with another person just to get back at a cheating partner only distresses the fabric relationship further.

The strain put on the relationship by the initial cheating should have been enough, they say. An eye for an eye will make the world go blind, they add.

Revenge cheating isn’t that bad
Dr. Jacqueline Olds, a psychiatrist at McLean Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts says one of the reasons why revenge cheating is worth considering is for the restoration of parity and balance in the relationship.

“One is so the aggrieved party does not feel so aggrieved because they made things equal,” she explains. “It may make them feel as if they have given a person a taste of their own medicine.

“Another is that sometimes it allows each person to get the sense of feeling wronged out of their system, and often they both find out that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the pasture.”

In an odd sense, if a partner cheats and the offended partner rashly decides to go on their own vengeful frolick of infidelity, it could make them see for real that what’s out there is nothing compared to what they both have and that pissing it away is not particularly a wise move.

Just as cheating has the paradoxical ability to make partners become better lovers, revenge cheating may just be as great.

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