
80% of humans surviving on Sikaduro – Bishop Ajagurajah speaks

Without a doubt, according to Bishop Abed Kwabena Boakye Asiamah of the Ajagurajah Movement, most individuals are wealthy because they have enlisted the aid of various spiritual beings.

According to the minister known as Ajagurajah, many individuals are wealthy not because they work hard but rather because they have spiritual protection.

In Twi, he added, “80% of people have utilized blood money, whether they recognized it or not.” Money earned by conversing with ghosts is referred to as “blood money.” If you conceive of blood money in that sense, a snake ought to be spitting out cash, but that isn’t what happens.

“You went to a pastor and told him how bad business is. He gave you things to bathe with, and now business is booming. That’s blood money. Money from blood could come from God or from Satan. So, there is no such thing as a “fraud boy” in Ghana. There is no such thing as a “fraud boy.”

As he warned the general public, the pastor also made some claims. He says that a number of women take part in the practice. He said that these women, who are determined to make money no matter what, have been talking to spirits in other West African countries.

“Some females are drawn to blood money. Show the lady the tissue you used when she comes to see you and you have to use the restroom. Don’t discard it. In order to obtain blood money and control spirits, the women are currently traveling to Senegal, Cameroon, and Burkina Faso. Now, a young girl may direct an elderly person.

Women with tattoos on the right side of their necks should be avoided. You should exercise extreme caution when near the woman if the writing is in Chinese, Arabic, or any other language you don’t understand. Women now bathe in rivers in Cameroon, Ajagurajah emphasized.

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