Steps to complete your Sim Card registration using GH SIM SELF REG App
The Ministry of Communication has made the software for SIM card activation, which enables users to self-register, available to the general public.
Customers will need to download the app from the Google Play store in order to utilize it if they haven’t registered their SIM cards yet.
The first phase of the registration process, which entails linking your Ghana Card to your account, must be completed before you can access the app.
The program in question is known as GH SIM SELF REG, and the only place where it can be obtained is via the Google Play store. All Ghanaians are expected to update the information on their SIM cards.
The App provides another means for telecom subscribers to complete their SIM Card Registration using the Ghana Card; subscribers who prefer to physically go to their Service Provider’s registration points to complete Stage 2 can still do so.
However, to individually register your SIM card, please follow the procedures outlined below.